It’s a common question that we get from our customers. Yeah, Droplii is super cool, but how can it be used to grow an essential oil business? Thank goodness we have some  ✨genius ✨ customers who have come up with creative ways to use Droplii in their businesses.

Don’t have Droplii yet? Sign up here to get started.


Enrollment Incentive

It’s pretty common for people to give out books to their customers when they initially enroll. BUT it can get pretty pricey to do this. Not to mention, there’s no guarantee that the people you share books with will continue to be customers. Other people might send those people to a website to purchase a book that has wayyy too much information for a new oil user (and they have to pay for shipping ?). With Droplii, it’s easy to share the content app with potential customers for no cost to them. They’ll automatically have access to basic EO information & oil recipes. Talk about a major win  ?


Loyalty Rewards Program Signup

Is there a  better way to incentivize your customers to get on LRP than to give them Droplii as a gift when they sign up? The answer is no ?They’ll be able to see all of the incredible everyday ways they can use their oils in our Recipes section, which is sure to keep them ordering for months! Since you as the business builder will have the Mentor Subscription, you can stay in touch with your new LRP customers through Droplii chat. After all, constant contact with customers is what makes the world go round ?


Interactive Classes

Our favorite way we’ve heard of people using Droplii is as an incentive for attending an EO class. Share the app with your attendees before the class starts. This way you’ll already have their contact information in your Droplii app for later. If your class is on a specific subject like cleaning with essential oils, have your customers find a recipe in the Cleaning & Gardening section of the Droplii app and select a recipe they’d like to try. Give them samples of the oils needed for that specific recipe to take home and try. Follow up with them in a week or two (You know, because you already have their contact information within the app ?). In the meantime, they’ll be able to look through the Droplii app & get excited about all of the amazing ways they can use essential oils!


If you haven’t already, follow us on Facebook or Instagram to stay up-to-date & be the first to know about new features. Do you have any other ways that you use Droplii in your business? Let us know in the comments??

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